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Known Game Issues

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:27 pm
by Renegade
Game: SDK2007-based games (i.e. Team Fortress 2, Left4Dead, etc.)

Issue #1: Audio list not updating properly after switching directories

Severity: Low

Status: Fixed (in 1.5.0 beta)

Solution: download the HLDJ 1.5.0 beta or simply enter "la" once more.

It has been determined that TF2 (and other games using the new 2007 SDK) now implement the "wait" command differently. This may cause a problem after switching directories in HLDJ as wait is used to give time for a new audio list to be generated.

Re: Known Game Issues

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:18 pm
by Renegade
Game: Garry's Mod

Issue #2: Game not launching properly (Source SDK launched instead)

Severity: Low

Status: Workaround found, (fixed in next version)

Solution: Disable "Launch Game" in Options and start the game manually.

For Source games, HLDJ uses the "gameinfo.txt" to determine which game to launch. From user reports, it appears as if this file in Garry's Mod incorrectly specifies which game this is.

Re: Known Game Issues

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:11 pm
by Renegade
Game: Source-based games (i.e. CS:S, TF2, etc.)

Issue #3: Cannot find game directory, or it is invalid (gameinfo.txt missing).

Severity: Low

Status: Workaround found

Solution: Start the game at least once more and then re-add it in HLDJ Setup.

Occasionally, Steam will remove gameinfo.txt (i.e. after an update or re-install) without unpacking it again from the Steam filesystem until the game has been started. This file is critical in order for HLDJ to recognize the Source game properly.

Re: Known Game Issues

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 4:35 am
by Renegade
Game: Garry's Mod

Issue #4: HLDJ no longer works after latest update.

Severity: Medium

Status: Workaround found (not an HLDJ problem)

The default value for sv_allow_voice_input_from_file has been set to "0".
If you are a server operator, set "sv_allow_voice_from_file" to "1"; otherwise find a server that has it set to this value.