Known Game Issues
Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:27 pm
Game: SDK2007-based games (i.e. Team Fortress 2, Left4Dead, etc.)
Issue #1: Audio list not updating properly after switching directories
Severity: Low
Status: Fixed (in 1.5.0 beta)
Solution: download the HLDJ 1.5.0 beta or simply enter "la" once more.
It has been determined that TF2 (and other games using the new 2007 SDK) now implement the "wait" command differently. This may cause a problem after switching directories in HLDJ as wait is used to give time for a new audio list to be generated.
Issue #1: Audio list not updating properly after switching directories
Severity: Low
Status: Fixed (in 1.5.0 beta)
Solution: download the HLDJ 1.5.0 beta or simply enter "la" once more.
It has been determined that TF2 (and other games using the new 2007 SDK) now implement the "wait" command differently. This may cause a problem after switching directories in HLDJ as wait is used to give time for a new audio list to be generated.