Counter-Strike 1.6 not playing?
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:01 pm
Hey guys,
Whenever I try to play a song through hldj in Counter-Strike 1.6 it will not play. I have a fully functional microphone on my laptop (I doubt that matters though) and Windows Vista SP2.
Things I have done:
Converted the songs into the required wav format using the built-in audio converter.
bound key to F1.
launch counter-strike (both directly using Steam and pressing the play button in hldj)
start a local server by clicking new game.
Now when I type in "la" and select a song by typing its number (eg. 4) it says:
] 4
hldj_cmd_b.cfg successfully created!
"=" = "Loaded--test (name of the file)
However, if I press F1 to play the file (which is my keybind), the mic icon still shows up but then a static "buzz" sound plays.
Any idea what I have done wrong?
1) Does HLDJ launch the game correctly for you?
2) Does "HLDJ Loaded Successfully" appear in console on starting the game (with no errors)?
3) What is the console output after selecting a song, or issuing other HLDJ commands such as "hldj_next"?
hldj_cmd_b.cfg successfully created!
"=" = "Loaded--test (name of the file)
4) Create your own local server and set the appropriate sv_ commands (see above), then:
4-a) Load one of the sample audio files and perform a search of your Steam directory (without stopping HLDJ) for the file "voice_input.wav" - does it show up, and if so, where?
"no files matched your search".
5) Does voice normally work for you? If not, or you do not have a microphone, have you remembered to set up any applicable options in your operating system and/or the game? **
yes it does, I can use the mic just fine in game.
Whenever I try to play a song through hldj in Counter-Strike 1.6 it will not play. I have a fully functional microphone on my laptop (I doubt that matters though) and Windows Vista SP2.
Things I have done:
Converted the songs into the required wav format using the built-in audio converter.
bound key to F1.
launch counter-strike (both directly using Steam and pressing the play button in hldj)
start a local server by clicking new game.
Now when I type in "la" and select a song by typing its number (eg. 4) it says:
] 4
hldj_cmd_b.cfg successfully created!
"=" = "Loaded--test (name of the file)
However, if I press F1 to play the file (which is my keybind), the mic icon still shows up but then a static "buzz" sound plays.
Any idea what I have done wrong?
1) Does HLDJ launch the game correctly for you?
2) Does "HLDJ Loaded Successfully" appear in console on starting the game (with no errors)?
3) What is the console output after selecting a song, or issuing other HLDJ commands such as "hldj_next"?
hldj_cmd_b.cfg successfully created!
"=" = "Loaded--test (name of the file)
4) Create your own local server and set the appropriate sv_ commands (see above), then:
4-a) Load one of the sample audio files and perform a search of your Steam directory (without stopping HLDJ) for the file "voice_input.wav" - does it show up, and if so, where?
"no files matched your search".
5) Does voice normally work for you? If not, or you do not have a microphone, have you remembered to set up any applicable options in your operating system and/or the game? **
yes it does, I can use the mic just fine in game.