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Don't know how to explain it..

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:23 am
by phmusic
Basically, when ever I use HLDJ I get this,

You have to watch the video to understand it. I don't know why its happening..

Re: Don't know how to explain it..

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:19 pm
by Renegade

Re: Don't know how to explain it..

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:21 pm
by phmusic
1) Does HLDJ launch the game correctly for you? Yes it does.

2) Does "HLDJ Loaded Successfully" appear in console on starting the game (with no errors)? Yes it does.

3) What is the console output after selecting a song, or issuing other HLDJ commands such as "hldj_next"? Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/hldj_cmd_b.cfg
Loaded : worst od

When I do "hldj_next" I get Loaded: yes Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/hldj_cmd_c.cfg

4) Create your own local server and set the appropriate sv_ commands (see above), then: I don't understand what to do here, how do I create a local server?

5) Does voice normally work for you? If not, or you do not have a microphone, have you remembered to set up any applicable options in your operating system and/or the game? The noise happening in the video actually happens when I try to talk, although it only happens after I'm done speaking.

Re: Don't know how to explain it..

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:05 pm
by Renegade
4) you create your own server, and enter the listed sv commands into console.

Re: Don't know how to explain it..

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:12 am
by phmusic
Renegade wrote:4) you create your own server, and enter the listed sv commands into console.
i dont know how to create my own server..

Re: Don't know how to explain it..

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:22 pm
by phmusic
ok after some testing i found it only happens on just one server, thing is i play on that server that most.

its working fine on other servers...

EDIT: narrowed it down a bit more and found out the sound only happens on servers that don't allow HLDJ..