Create a text file named "commandmenu.txt" and place it in your game directory (if one already exists, you can rename it or edit it and add menus to it, see below).
Now you can create your own menus and items in it using the following format for menu items:
Code: Select all
"<key>" "<label>" "<command>"
Code: Select all
"<key>" "<label>"
... some items ...
Here's an example of a simple HLDJ custom command menu:
Code: Select all
"1" "Play/Stop" "playaudio"
"2" "List" "la; toggleconsole"
"3" "Next" "hldjn"
"4" "Previous" "hldjp"
"5" "Info"
"1" "Audio" "hldjca"
"2" "Directory" "hldjcd"
"3" "Say info (team)" "hldjstca"
"4" "Say info (all)" "hldjsca"
"6" "HLDJ"
"1" "Reset Dir" "hldjr"
"2" "Reload" "hldjre"
"3" "Stop" "hldjst"
"4" "Stop & Quit" "hldjsq"
"5" "Quit All" "hldjqa"
"7" "Help"
"1" "Quick-Help" "hldj; toggleconsole"
"2" "Help 1" "hldj1; toggleconsole"
"3" "Help 2" "hldj2; toggleconsole"
"4" "Help 3" "hldj3; toggleconsole"
"5" "About" "hldjab; toggleconsole"
"6" "Say About" "hldjsab"
Here's the commandmenu.txt file for downloading.
You can place this file into your custom folder instead, to have it loaded every time you start a game with HLDJ.