Requesting a for CS:S

Put in a request for some audio
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Requesting a for CS:S

Post by ZeAceOfSpades »

Hi everyone. Its me Ze. I was wondering if someone could be so kind and find the song Technologic by Daft Punk and convert it to source. I would be so appreciative if someone could do this for me. Sorry I almost forgot, could you try and get the same thing but for the song Around the World by Daft Punk because someone already requested it in the old fourms but the link did not work for me. Thanks again.
Your fellow HLDJ user, ZeAceOfSpades
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Re: Requesting a for CS:S

Post by jxl180 »

I already have that posted in this thread on the old forum: ... c.wav.html

EDIT: Oh, i see why. No one accessed it before the deadline. I'll have to re-upload it when i get a chance.

Also here is a link to the Rar for the Alive Album: ... _Alive.rar
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