Audio/Music files do not play; Only hear myself

Help with using HLDJ
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Audio/Music files do not play; Only hear myself

Post by General_Twyckenham »

Just downloaded HLDJ, set it up and tested it in Team Fortress 2. None of the audio files play, including the samples, but I can hear my voice. One thing to note, that may have relevance - I have Steam and Team Fortress 2 installed on an external hard drive (G).

1) Does HLDJ launch the game correctly for you? YES
2) Does "HLDJ Loaded Successfully" appear in console on starting the game (with no errors)? YES
3) What is the console output after selecting a song, or issuing other HLDJ commands such as "hldj_next"?

Code: Select all

Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/hldj_cmd_d.cfg
Loaded : sample_src 
4) Create your own local server and set the appropriate sv_ commands (see above), then:
4-a) Load one of the sample audio files and perform a search of your Steam directory (without stopping HLDJ) for the file "voice_input.wav" - does it show up, and if so, where? YES - G:\Program Files\steamapps\anzion18\team fortress 2
4-b) If it exists, open it in an audio player: does it sound like the audio file you loaded? YES
4-c) If it exists, return to the game, and enter the following into console:
voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; voice_forcemicrecord 0; voice_modenable 1; voice_enable 1; +voicerecord
Does the audio file start to play? NO
5) Does voice normally work for you? If not, or you do not have a microphone, have you remembered to set up any applicable options in your operating system and/or the game? ** YES
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Re: Audio/Music files do not play; Only hear myself

Post by Renegade »

Likely the sv commands in step 4 are not set appropriately.
Game DJ
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Re: Audio/Music files do not play; Only hear myself

Post by Murray »

Renegade wrote:Likely the sv commands in step 4 are not set appropriately.
One sv command that doesn't seem to work is sv_voicequality. It gives me an unknown command message.
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Re: Audio/Music files do not play; Only hear myself

Post by Renegade »

only the first two apply to source games.
if they are replicated to the server (i.e. the values you give them take and aren't changed back immediately afterwards) then everything is as it should be.
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